Social Salsa Party S02E141

London Pub Durbarmarg, Kathmandu, Bagmati, Nepal

SOCIAL SALSA NIGHT ❤️”It’s your Party” SOCIAL SALSA PARTY ‘Season 2’ Ep. 141 SALSA NEPAL’s – SALSA PARTY- EVERY THURSDAY – February 6, 2025- 7:30PM onwards – FREE ENTRANCE @londonpub.ktm – […]

Latin Sensational Salsa Party

Cafe Lava Pani Pokhari, Kathmandu, Bagmati, Nepal

Spice up your weekend at the Latin Sensational Salsa Party at Cafe Lava!, Let DJ Bnyk set the rhythm on fire with electrifying beats and non-stop Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba […]

Valentine Day Salsa Party

Valentine Day – Latin Affair SBK Party’ Venue: Nepal House, Hattisar, Kathmandu 7:30PM onwards – Free Entrance – with Salsa Nepal & your DJ/Instructor Binayek Das Shrestha @binayek #djbnyk